Boost your website by making use of a Linux Semi-dedicated Packages USA.

If you realize that your cloud hosting account is not a sufficient solution for your online presence, but a dedicated server costs too much and too difficult to work with, then you’ll be able to make full use of our US–based semi–dedicated servers.

A Linux semi-dedicated package is really a special mix from a cloud web hosting account and a dedicated web hosting giving the the best of both technologies. It gives you the potential of a dedicated server (without the frequent server administration tasks), wrapped in a point & click Site Control Panel that is included with all our cloud hosting plans in general.

And because of their individuality, our semi–dedicated servers are available only in the USA located datacenter. It was actually the initial data center at which we’ve been in a position to install our custom made cloud hosting platform plus it offers unparalleled power and cooling options. We have also developed a customized internal network centered on enterprise–class Juniper routers and switches. This is the way we can guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all of our Linux Semi-dedicated Packages USA

One of the many features of our USA semi–dedicated servers is the Best Reseller Hosting Site Control Panel. It is bundled free of cost with all of our semi–dedicated servers and has been built to run in the cloud. By doing this, we save your server from the need to provide power to the Control Panel and also your sites simultaneously. You may use the full server energy only for your web sites. Moreover, the Site Control Panel is full of free tools and bonuses , which can optimize your web site.

Other US Hosting Services

The USA located datacenter features a number of web hosting alternatives for all clients depending on the websites and the web applications they need to accommodate. You will find Cloud Web Hosting USA for anyone who plans to start a personal blog, portfolio or perhaps an e–store. Best Reseller Hosting’s cloud hosting packages offer a 99.9% network uptime guarantee plus a academy domain name for just $15.99. If you intend to create a development environment or you demand more resources for your website, then you can select our Linux VPS Hosting Packages USA. Our Virtual Private Servers have a number of Control Panels and have amazingly efficient NVMe disks. In case you need a brand new home for any popular web site or a very CPU requiring application, then you’ll be able to go for each of our Linux Dedicated Servers Hosting Packages USA. They boast efficient hardware elements and deliver a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.